Documenting an undocumented sprint

Timmy Ajibode
4 min readNov 23, 2021


Knock knock. My profile feels hollow after not updating it for a few months. The cobwebs needed some dusting off and it is slightly warranted i update connections on what Mr Ajibode has been up to. I am sat here writing this hoping there is a slight veracity to my previous sentence. The title might not make much sense to you but i am sat in my bed writing this whilst i try to concurrently try to make sure my orbicularis coli muscles try not to close shop for the day. I can only hope you undertand.

Whilst a huge chunk of my absence has been due to personal issues, a great chunk has also been dedicated to attempting to master my craft. Earlier this year, during lockdown i decided to create my website and i also documented the creative process involved. The most difficult part of the website was deciding what my interests were. For ease of retrieval, i have attached what they were at the time:

Its fair to say the last venture has been mastered after burning through several loafs of Warburton's bread( I will not be revealing the secret to this however).

On a more serious note, i penned a plan of how this could be achieved and i am completing courses in my free time to achieve some of the aforementioned goals. The one in my current field of view is Scalable Distributed Systems which i have been learning for the past few months from the basic fundamentals of Linux to the more advance concepts required to be a Certified Kubernetes Application Developer.

Anything aside these two pronunciation are unacceptable.

I have also entrenched myself in the basic knowledge to understand these advanced concepts such as Docker and Kubernetes at a basic level whilst simultaneously completing courses on them. I am currently taking the Udemy CKAD course by the amazing Mumshad Mannambeth. I am also happy to say i will be taking the CKAD Exam and hopefully i will be giving updates to this on my LinkedIn feed within the next few months. I will also produce a write up for those wanting to take this in the future.

Another interest that i have lined up ready is to revisit Machine Learning and its modules such as Unsupervised Learning,K-Means Clustering etc. This was a module that peaked my interest whilst at university. My current scope of work is heavily involved with front-end which has not let this interest be top of my list. Another reason for wanting to learn this again is the rampant use of big data in everyday lives. The use of complex algorithms coupled with the mastery of big data is at the core of most fortune 500 companies. It is only fair to want to be up to date with the latest technologies. I have lined up courses ready to refamiliarise myself with the associated concepts and i am looking forward to learning this again.

Further down the horizon lies my unyielding love for finance. I have always had a soft spot for the economies of money and the mathematics behind it. I have found out more recently there lies a sweet spot where both circles which are Computer Science and Finance(particularly the ecosphere of the stock market) overlaps. I should reiterate i will not be buying signals or become a FOREX Trader or becoming a WallStreetBets AMC Ape. I will be learning about the fundamental basics of financial engineering learning about bonds,derivatives and mathemicals models for finance etc. The concepts i plan to learn would desirably be similar to the skills of a quantitative analyst or research for a hedge fund or financial institution. I do also have a course lined up for this as well. I am hoping that at the end of this I will be looking at my stock portfolio to see which one of my stocks will go to the moon else i might request a refund.

I am giving this update as i felt the need to pen some words. I hope whoever is reading is in good health and doing well.If anyone has any advice for me or willing to have a conversation about some of my interests.I am always up for a talk.Please feel free to contact me on LinkedIn/Email.



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